With your port scars and powerful soul.
Raising two littles on your own.
Surviving abuse but never losing your softness while being strong.
Saying 'I quit' after 20 years to honor your passion project.
(With small fine art pieces starting at $250 and large collections ranging from $1900-$3400)
we all are.
You're a strong,
fire-starting woman.
are seeking 100 powerful stories of women ready to unapologetically seen
Bluesky Photo Artists & Find my Fearless
...with a story
included with your
date reservation fee is
Saving your spot on our calendar.
Your pre-session discovery calls. (a series of brief calls where we get to the you, your life, your business, and those you love/love you. AKA: who you REALLY are.)
With this information we are then equipped to assist with:
Attire (we provide inspiration boards and even assist with day-of selection of outfits from what you bring along.)
Arranging for professional hair and makeup should you elect for us to do so
and your SAME-DAY professional reveal and design consultation where you will see your photographs on the ‘big screen’ our professional designers will assist you in creating the perfect art for you!